You can add interest, architectural detail, or drama to your walls to create a more unique and personalized space. Whether you opt for the DIY methods or hire a professional to help you achieve your look, I want to see your results! These methods will be helpful, whether you want to update or prepare to sell your house on Eastside, WA, or anywhere else.
1. Awesome wallpaper-Yes there are fabulous wallpapers out there! Pairing flocked wallpaper with great millwork allows this bright color to create a playful entry.
Be warned though….you need a smooth wall to pull off many wallpaper designs. But have no fear, a good paper hanger can float your walls first to create that smooth look without skim-coating your textured walls.
2. Wainscoting-Often used in dining rooms to add architectural detail or to help create a more intimate space. There are grooved wainscoting sheets available at your local DIY or lumber yard (4 x8) but spend a little more for the real stuff. It’s worth the extra money in its effectiveness and finish quality, so you can sell my house on Eastside, WA, or anywhere else. And please don’t limit this feature to the bottom of your walls….look up and apply it to your ceilings (your 5th wall)!
3. Peelable decals-Technology
4. High gloss paint-Choose a stencil or pattern, measure a lot, and create a space with depth and attitude that works great in dining rooms, hallways, bedrooms, or just about anywhere.
5. Wood-not the wood paneling that just popped into your head! A reclaimed wood set typically in a herringbone pattern, engineered exotic hardwoods, any wood with character can create an accent wall that suits many design styles.